Saturday, 29 June 2013

Project 2 Mani Walk Cycle

Part 1 - Walk Cycle

For this exercise it is very fun to do, the important points are the legs. For example while walking you will tilt your leg down, including your toe (toe curl) and when you are going to land u will automatically lift your hill and ur toe will curl upwards and land down returning it back to normal.

Part 2 - Emotional Walk Cycle

For part 2, the emotional walk cycle that I did was happy walk. I encounter some problems as the legs did not move smoothly. However, I approached Mr.Douglas and he taught me and fixed my problems. Beside that, Mr.Douglas also taught me some tricks to animate the right and left legs which really make my life easier. 

BigDog Exercise 2

In this exercise, we had to create an animation for "BigDog". Mr Douglas told the class to  animate the body first before animating the legs. I tried it and found that it was quite fast and much more easier rather than animating the BigDog as a whole. 

BigDog Exercise 1

i)   If engineered or programmed badly, BigDog would fall over. Watch the full video again, and describe how BigDog’s legs move while walking– ie. what is the sequence of leg movements for one complete step? Use the terms BL, BR, FL, and FR for the back-left, back-right, front-left and front-right legs.

The sequence of the leg movements for one complete step is alternate leg move and cross leg move. The front and the back legs take turns to cross their legs while moving. Let's say if the BigDog is moving to the left, the FR will actually cross over FL from the front first while BL and BR will stay on the spot. Next will be the back legs' turn to cross over. After FL cross over FR from the back to stand back to the original position, BR will cross over BL from the front to continue the movement to the left while the front legs will stand till apart to balance out. Then BL will cross over BR from the back to complete one step.

ii)  Explain how this sequence of movements manages to balance BigDog’s body weight.

The centre of gravity depends on the surface area and height of the object. In order to balance BigDog's body weight. We have to ensure that the leg movement have to be coordinated to ensure that BigDog can be balanced enough. 

iii) Look at Draw a storyboard of BigDog stabilising itself after being kicked. (You should draw the key poses. You don’t need to draw well – but you must show the leg positions and the body rotations around the X, Y and Z axes for each key pose.)

Other Poses of Spiderman

After learning the robes of animating/adjusting the joints of the Spiderman Model, it was much easier to  create the other kinds of poses. In this pose, I have created Spiderman flying in the air with his hands spread out. The hand was easy to do as when someone tries to jump in the air, the hands would spread out. As for the legs, I had tried my best to make an exact replica whereby the legs are folded. It may not look exactly the same, however I am satisfied with the outcome of this pose.

Spiderman Flying Pose

Edited with Maya

Front View

Side View

Back View

Spider Posing

After Project 1, we started to learn animation. For this Spiderman, the hardest part to animate/adjust was the legs. As you can see from the edited scene, the spiderman that I edited is not exactly same as the original pose. As for the arms, it was pretty easy to animate/adjust as hanging upside down requires strength to hold on to. However, with many attempts, this was the closest and best shot I could get.

Spider Upside Down Pose (Original) 

Edited with Maya

Front View

Side View

Back View

Overall, this exercise quite challenging. It helped me in understanding the basics of creating and adjusting the types of movement of Spiderman and on how to switch between IK and FK. Although I faced problems when doing this exercise, but I managed to solve it by keep trying to adjust it.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Project 1 Computer Security Competition

Group mates -- Ming Wei, Shu Cheng (Kat), Xin Rui and Me 


Idea 1(Social Media)
A boy got persuaded into creating a facebook page by friends as all of them have one. Without knowing there is something call privacy in the setting, he made his facebook page avaliable to the public.  When he went out with his friends, he will use his smartphone to check-in as all of his friend are doing so.

A few days passed, random people started to add him as friend and that when the problem arises. One day, he was out with a few buddy from school when he notice something is following him. At first, he thought that he just simply being paranoid. But as time goes by, he feel more and more unease whenever he go out.

He also started to receive weird and creepy present. It was then he started to recap what have he done to lead to this and he realise it's his facebook! He consult his friends and his friend suggested that he can actually set the setting on his facebook into private mode. And suggest him to "unfriend" people that he have added into the facebook account for safety measure.

Idea 2 (Hacker and Victim)
There will be a hacker and there will be a victim. It will be from 2 point of view. The hacker will create a new hacking program and load it to the internet. The victim accidentally click a website that will download the program without the victim notice.

Day by day, the victim will key in new password and day by day the hacker will receive new information. Information like the credit card details and personal details.
The hacker will use the information to sell it to the underground economy which is what hacker trade in. The hacker will also sell the information to identity thieves or spammers who will use the chance to make more money with the data.
The victim begin to receive anonymous email ranging from 20 to 30 email per day from the same sender. Pop up windows also started to popping up. It was then the victim suspect he might have downloaded virus and afraid his privacy have been compromise.

He then come across gosafeonline website which teaches visitor what to look up for and what to do. He turn on the firewall, downloaded an anti-virus program install it onto his computer. He then changes all of his password just to be safe. 

Idea 3 (Hacker UFO)
It seems to be just another pleasant day in Sg Town when suddenly a shadow pops out from the cloud above.  An unidentified giant spaceship flew out from the skies and hover over a block of HDB flat. The spaceship starts to emit a ray of light over the whole block.

Meanwhile, a teenager in a room is using his laptop when out of nowhere all the data in his system disappeared! He panics and attempts to reboot his laptop but to no avail. Soon he heard a commotion at his block. This is when he realized his fellow neighbours are in the same predicament as him. The UFO had stolen all these earthlings’ information. The UFO flew to all estates including office buildings in Sg Town to steal data and disappeared into the clouds.

Soon after, still feeling puzzled, the residents start to receive funny emails on their computers and messages to their mobile phone. The UFO had used the data hacked from their systems to regenerate such that can control the earth.

At this moment, a young man, John was trying to think of the solution. Finally, he think of an idea – shield. To create the shield, an antivirus must be installed in the computer. Other than that, he also needs to scan and back up the computer constantly. With this, the UFO is unable to attack or do anything to him and his data. 


Apart from the storyboarding, part of my job was to create 3D Model, glass shatter and martix rain(after effect) to add into our scene. Each of our group member was given a job to create 3D Models or a virus respectively.